Pricing Plans Tailored to Your Brand

A pricing that is fair, transparent, and simple to understand.

Platform fee

One time only


One-time fee for account setup to brand specifications

Success based acquisition fee

Based on campaign performance


We only win when you do

Our pricing plans are designed to elevate your experience and fit seamlessly into your business.

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Frequently asked questions

What is a Brand Token?
A brand token is a cryptocurrency branded for each organization that joins the Cultos platform. This token is distributed to the customers of the brand who sign up as an incentive for them to act as nano-influencers in their own social networks. The token incentivizes your customer base to stay loyal as it rewards them for the ‘sweat equity’ they put into growing your brand across their niche network of peers who trust them.
How is it different to Affiliate Marketing?
The brand token incentivizes customers already enamoured with your brand to promote to their own network. The vast majority of your customers most likely fall into the ‘nano-influencer’ category of less than 10k followers. Their posts and suggestions to their social network will be received as more authentic and more trusted – leading to better conversions and engagement.
Why cant i launch a Brand Token myself?
You certainly can, but will need to invest in an internal team to build the infrastructure for NFT minting, token generation and tools to monitor user behaviour for rewards, fiat payments, API’s to make NFTs interoperable with your existing digital games or products. Cultos provides a turn-key platform with all these components already available.
What user activity can my Brand reward?
The Cultos platform enables a brand to select any desired actions available from the API’s of mainstream social media channels as well as offline engagements such as in-store purchases or attending brand-sponsored events and many more.
Do i need my own user-end application?
No, Cultos has the existing templates and advisory services needed to identify and configure the right end-user experience to deliver the desired business objectives.