Loyalty programs, supercharged

Build trust and provide increased value to your customers and fans with customizable brand tokens they can be proud to earn, hold and exchange.

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Make it Yours

Our fully customizable white label solutions provides brands with a robust set of products to quickly launch a token-basedloyalty program.

Incentivize customers

By distributing brand tokens to your customers, they get an added incentive to support your brand on their own social networks. This helps Brands motivate their customers to create content about to brand and post them on their own social networks, or support the brand's socials.

Reward customers

As more consumers hold the brand token, its value goes up. This drives further attention to your brand and creates added value to reward your customer's engagement.

*Tokens earned
*Impressions generated

Why Cultos?

We bring your customer acquisition, retention, and reward programs to web3

Boost visibility

Reward customers for posting about you on their own socials, or engaging on your posts.

Get Insights

Get insights about your customer's behavior to make informed optimizations in real time.


Fair setup fee and revenue share pricing model based on performance

Cost efficient

You no longer need an entire team dedicated to sourcing, managing, and paying UGC creators

Plug and Play

No crypto experience required, for the brand or the consumer. Install our API in just one click.


Customers can cash-out their rewards to their bank accounts at any time.